What to Expect When Traveling During COVID-19

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What to Expect When Traveling During COVID-19.

The COVID-19 outbreak has exceptionally impacted the travel industry, which continues to see changes nearly around the clock. We know that our customers are eager to travel to different destinations and we are eager to assist. We want to make sure you and your family are prepared for the changes being made when traveling from the United States to different locations. Below are a few tips on what to expect when traveling during COVID-19. Since every destination can require different safety precautions when entering, we highly suggest talking to your travel agent before your next vacation. Here are a list of international destinations currently open to  American tourists.

1. The Line at Immigration May Be Longer

Manufacturers of heat cameras are seeing a spike in demand as airports are starting to see an increase in travel. This means with extra safety precatuions when traveling, the lines at Immigration in different countries may take more time to clear. We always recommend to check your layover time if you are stopping in a different location before entering a foreign country. The last thing you want is to miss your flight.

2. Some Countries May Require a Negative Test Result to Enter

Countries like the Dominican Republic and Jamiaca are requiring a negative test result within an alloted amount of time before travel to enter their country. Most countries are requiring a written or online COVID-19 questionnaire to be filled out before entering as well.

3. You May Pack Differently

With all major and smaller airlines requiring masks on their aircrafts, you will be thinking more about your masks than ever before. Bringing enough comfortable, breathable masks, hand sanitizer, sanitizing wipes, etc. will most likely now be on the top of your packing list when traveling to a new destination. Almost all airlines, resorts, and theme parks have plenty of sanitizing stations and face masks available for purchase if you need them while on vacation.

4. Your Experience Will Be Different, but You Can Still Enjoy It

With so many locations re-opening for American tourists, we are excited to help bring families and couples back on vacation after a long break. We want to encourage travelers that travel may not be the same, but you can still enjoy your vacation. The best way to make sure you are prepared and can enjoy your getaway is to work with a dedicated travel agent who can help you every step of the way.

If you are ready to start planning your next vacation, click here to request a free Vacation Consultation.

We are excited to help.



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